In our temporary position report, we have attempted to concentrate on utilizing programming for Lunch administration framework for smooth administration of extra parts. For outlining reason, Entity relationship graph and Data word reference are utilized. It likewise gives distinctive sorts of reports of various classes that help the higher administration in taking choice. The framework makes the administration procedure speedier and solid which will be especially steady for the association. The target of this project depends on IT administration arrangement of Sonali Bank Limited (SBL).

The method used to develop the system include iterative water full model approach, dataflow, logical and entity relationship diagram where used to design the system and finally the language used SQL Server 2008, C# & ASP.Net. Errors made on hand held calculators and dealt out completely. The concept of report production has been computerized hence, no more delay in report generation to the Hospital, Patient and Doctors. In order to achieve this goal, a through System Study and investigation was carried out and data was collected and analyzed about the current system using document and data flow diagrams. This research project is aimed at computerizing all the records about Patients, Hospital and Doctors. Unfortunately the current Record Management System Leads to misplacement of during details, Patient details and doctor record of reports and insecurity to records. Online Doctor appointment System in hospital today necessitate a competent administration when handling patients, generating reports for cashier, patient details which serves as a key factor for the flow of business transactions in Farazy Hospital Ltd.